Wood to expand major biopharmaceutical manufacturing plant in South Korea
数码led脱碳 harnesses the power of data and digital tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, 发展低碳Solutions, 在捕捉方面进行创新, 存储, 或者使用碳排放.
利用我们广泛的脱碳专业知识, we advance our clients’ journey towards a low-carbon future with solutions that are investable, 可交付成果, 和可伸缩的.
实现雄心勃勃的碳减排目标, the first step is understanding baseline emissions, 生命周期排放, 以及产品的碳强度. By decoding data-heavy baseline and lifecycle emissions, 我们制定减少排放的ESG价值计划, 提高能源效率, 实现一个低碳的未来. This allows us to reduce the carbon intensity of existing assets which is one of the biggest near-term values, 我们向客户提供业务服务.
使现有能源脱碳至关重要, but a net zero future will only be possible if this is combined with a rapid switch to lower-carbon solutions. 利用数字Solutions的力量, 我们的形状, design and operate the integrated energy hubs where low-carbon and conventional solutions are deployed together.
凭借我们的综合领域和数字专业知识, we have been playing a leading role in guaranteeing that energy transition happens at pace. We bring technical and commercial solutions that enable clients to safely capture CO2, 运输并永久储存, or unlock value by re-using it for alternative purposes.
We have developed a five-year roadmap for a client to help them achieve their target of a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2025. We have also prioritised ten emissions reduction initiatives, six of which were cash generative. The program will deliver a 13% reduction in Scope 1 emissions once complete, 实现减少 225,000吨一氧化碳2 over the field life, significantly reducing the client’s carbon footprint. Additionally, it will drive financial performance and generate 3000万美元 对客户有价值.
We recently completed the engineering design for two of the world’s largest carbon capture and sequestration hubs. 当操作, these projects will remove up to 80m tons per year of CO2, which will be sequestrated within onshore geological storage using the most advance digital solutions in the market.
对于一个能源客户, 我们部署了温室气体监测和报告工具, 设想, 他们在北美的5家工厂. 设想 was instrumental in collecting and mapping over 1.200万条数据. This extensive data collection enabled a comprehensive understanding of the GHG emissions across all facilities resulting in 80% reduction in manhours required to monitor, 分析, 生成报告. 数据准确及时, the client was able to identify areas of improvement and devise effective strategies for emissions reduction.
We conducted a detailed study to assess the feasibility of repurposing 5000+km 输送氢气的天然气管道. We explored a spectrum of hydrogen blending options, 从0%到100%, 与最新的氢代码保持一致. 我们的专业, multi-disciplinary team — comprising experts in pipelines, 材料, 过程, 流动保证——无缝协作, 利用Virtuoso®的力量, our advanced suite of field-proven digital solutions for energy transition market.
We conducted a pre-feasibility study for a 1GW 权力-to-X facility in the Baltics region and options for implementing green hydrogen production, 绿色氨生产, 绿色甲醇生产, and green synthetic methane production facilities were assessed using our advanced design tool, P2Xpert. We delivered reliable CAPEX estimates based on expert-validated models with unmatched speed and accuracy. Using the power of our advance digital solutions we assessing the possibility of reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst capitalising on the Baltics region’s vast renewable energy supply, supporting the transition to a low-carbon energy future.